Introduction to the subject:
At KS3, learners develop their ICT skills across the curriculum by finding, developing, creating and presenting information and ideas and by using a wide range of equipment and software.
In ICT, learners plan their activities identifying appropriate software and hardware. They consider the needs of the audience and they create and develop their presentations accordingly. They use ICT to explore and solve problems in a range of contexts and reflect on the strengths and weaknesses of their solutions.
Learners communicate and present information in a variety of ways, including text, graphs, pictures and sound, to support their activities in a range of contexts. They use ICT to interpret and analyse information and communicate their findings in ways suitable for their intended audience and purpose.
Learners use mathematical information and data presented numerically and graphically in data-handling software. They use number to collect and enter data for interpretation in spreadsheets and simulations and present their findings as graphs and charts, checking accuracy before processing.
At KS3 pupils are provided with the opportunity to develop their skills and confidence using ICT, and develop their capability to solve problems using the software skills they have acquired. Some of the modules currently studied at KS3 include:
- E-safety
- Spreadsheet design
- Data handling
- Video editing
- Creating sound
- Animation
- Digital literacy
Useful links for KS3:
Introduction to GCSE ICT: At KS4 we offer WJEC GCSE ICT: Awarded at A*-G
The WJEC GCSE specification in ICT builds upon the knowledge, understanding and skills established by the National Curriculum at Key Stage 3.
Summary of Assessment:
- Unit 1: Understanding ICT (40 UMS) – This examination paper will assess the requirements of the Key Stage 4 Programme of Study for Information and Communication Technology and the functional elements of ICT in a home and school context.
- Unit 2: Solving Problems with ICT (60 UMS) - This controlled assessment consists of a portfolio of work which shows candidates' attainment in obtaining and interpreting different types of information; using, developing and communicating information to meet the purpose of their studies and presenting the results of their work. This assignment will assess the practical aspects of the functional elements of ICT.
- Unit 3: ICT in Organisations (40 UMS) - This examination paper will assess the 'application' content of ICT in a business and industry context.
- Unit 4: Developing Multimedia ICT Solutions (60 UMS) - This controlled assessment will give candidates the opportunity to develop a piece of work using multimedia software following a single task brief issued by WJEC.
The WJEC GCSE course in Information and Communication Technology offers a unique opportunity in the curriculum for candidates to identify and solve real problems by designing information and communication systems in a wide range of contexts relating to their personal interests. Information and Communication Technology develops candidates' interdisciplinary skills and their capacity for imaginative, innovative thinking, creativity and independence.
The specification encourages the investigation and study of Information and Communication Technology in a variety of contexts. In these contexts, the candidates are given opportunities to acquire competence, capability and critical skills through the creation, implementation, use and evaluation of a range of information and communication systems.
Useful links for KS4:
Reading material:
Essential GCSE ICT for WJEC (Stephen Doyle)
ISBN: 978-1850085416
My Revision Notes: WJEC ICT for GCSE 2nd Edition (Ian Paget)
ISBN: 9781510454941 (Published: 2018)