And so the pupil involvement in our ERASMUS project begins! Mrs Davies (ICT) and Mr Humphreys (Music) and four pupils are off to Denmark today for our first pupil mobility. This project is about delivering lessons with an Arts based approach across the curriculum. It is such an exciting opportunity for YBA. Huge thank you to Mrs Slinn for having the vision to get us started on this journey and Mrs Noon (Head of our new Expressive Arts Faculty) for leading on it. Good luck Team YBA (Beau, Trinity, Thomas and Will) we can’t wait to hear about your adventures!
Our YBA ERASMUS students have met their host families. Pick up at the airport has been smooth!
The ERASMUS trip to Denmark is looking amazing. Our pupils visited a theatre yesterday and got to go behind the scenes as well as on the stage! The pupils saw how props were being made too. Today they have been in the Danish school and doing lots of drama activities around the arts project. Wonderful!