Introduction to the subject:
In Key Stage 3, students are progressively taught the language of art, craft, and design. This work comprises of an analysis or several artists and art styles in year 7, followed by application of this influence, to the students own work. In year 8, students explore perspective drawing before moving on to the topic of wildlife art and pattern work. How artwork can vary in different cultures, is further explored as a part of this project.
In year 9, the students are challenging themselves with work that is more of a GCSE nature. This prepares them for their options that year, allowing them to make a more informed choice. To maximise the chances of the students making a highly individual approach to their work, the broad theme of ‘Identity’ is used as a starting point.
In Key Stage 4, students who have opted for art benefit from the smooth transition from year 9 and continue with the theme of ‘Identity’. This work progressively builds throughout year 10 and the first term of year 11, to form the students Portfolio (the 60%, coursework element to their Art GCSE), Unit 1. Final outcomes are produced in relation to the student’s individual interests.
The Spring term of year 11 opens with the start of the Externally Set Task (or 40%, exanimation element) preparatory period. This forms Unit 2 of the GCSE Art course, which concludes with a set amount of structured time, in which the students complete a final outcome to this work.