Introduction to the subject:
Dance is a powerful and expressive subject which encourages students to develop their creative, physical, emotional and intellectual capacity, whatever their previous experience in the subject. Students will study a range of dance styles and style fusions through choreography, performance and appreciation. Dance research has proven to increase memory recall, cognitive function and the ability to focus which can be transferred across other subjects.
Year 7 Curriculum
Year 7 students will participate in one lesson of dance per fortnight. Throughout the academic year they will explore a range of dance styles and explore how to create motifs and choreography as well as develop their physical and performance skills through different dance genres.
Year 8/9 Curriculum
Students will continue to build on skills they have learnt the previous year through further units of work. This will challenge students to be creative through working in larger groups and by exploring a variety of choreography tasks leading into GCSE dance work.
Set out below are three core areas of dance: performance, choreography and appreciation.
Component 1: Performance and choreography 60%
For performance students must learn set phrases through a solo performance and a duet/trio performance. For solo or group choreography students must create using a set stimulus.
Component 2: Dance appreciation 40%
For dance appreciation students will gain knowledge and understanding of choreographic processes and performing skills. Have a critical appreciation of their own work and professional works.
Useful links:
Reading material: