Introduction to the subject:
The study of Drama prepares students for life- long learning. It teaches students the essential skills of teamwork, creativity and problem solving and allows them to analyse and form opinions of the world around them, whilst teaching them empathy through the practical study of worldwide issues. Students are encouraged to analyse and study play texts from a practical point of view. They will research and apply a range of styles and forms of drama as well as studying drama practitioners. All students in years 7-9 will have one lesson per fortnight of Drama. Students will develop leadership and teamwork skills by working practically to explore characters, themes, structure and drama techniques. Students will also study technical theatre and be able to express its impact on performance and use it to enhance their own work. Students are assessed in three areas which include; creating, performing and evaluating. Students will be encouraged to share their work with others and critically evaluate their own and their peers' performances.
"Acting is behaving truthfully under imaginary circumstances"
" Creativity is intelligence having fun" Albert Einstein
" Arts and culture has overtaken agriculture in terms of its contribution to the UK economy" " It showed that the sector added £10.8bn to the economy" The guardian 2019
The Importance of Drama: Transferable Skills
At KS3, the curriculum is geared around developing both Drama and employability skills; such as teamwork, creativity and problem-solving. Students will study plays including; Ernie's incredible illucinations, The Curious Incident of the dog in the night time and Our day out. Students will take part in devising work and apply physical theatre to create their own performances. Analysis and evaluation is encouraged through the use of Oracy and is weighted as important as the creation and the practical application of drama.
Useful links for KS3:
At KS4 students can select to take the WJEC GCSE Drama course. Students are encouraged to question, lead and be proactive in lessons. Drama allows students to communicate and understand others in innovative ways. Drama students are less likely to have problems speaking in public and in turn, we hope, will have a more positive self-image. Drama develops emotional intelligence; it provides an outlet for emotions, thoughts and dreams and encourages students to be analytical and question the world around them. Students will be given the opportunity to go to see productions as it is an essential element of the exam to be able to critically analyse performances. Students will be expected to take part in extracurricular drama activities to develop their skillset and prepare them for their performance exams. Students are encouraged to explore the world of theatre, analysing how theatre is created and how technical theatre enhances the audience’s enjoyment and understanding. Students must create, evaluate and analyse theatre. Students devise their own plays using current political, social and historical issues and evaluate their process. Students sit a written exam with extended writing questions, whereby they respond from the point of view of a Director, performer and designer.
The course is structured into three areas;
Devising Theatre: Non-exam assessment: internally assessed, externally moderated 40% of qualification
Performing Theatre: Non-exam assessment: externally assessed by a visiting examiner 20% of qualification
Interpreting Theatre Written examination: 1 hour 30 minutes 40% of qualification
Useful links for KS4:
Reading material: