Introduction to the subject:
The study of geography is about more than memorizing places on a map. It is about understanding the complexity of our world, appreciating the diversity of cultures that exists across continents. In the end it’s about using all that knowledge to help bridge divides and bring people together. Our world that we live in will continue to change more in the next 50 years than it has ever has done before. Geography explains these changes, Geography; explains the past, illuminates the present, and prepares us for our future. What could be more important than that?
Year 7
Term 1 = Introducing Geography and Map Skills
Term 2 = Exploring Wales and the Geography of Crime
Term 3 = World Sport and Fair Trade
Year 8
Term 1 = Urban and Retail Change and Sustainable Energy
Term 2 = The Living World and How Humans Work
Term 3 = Going on Holiday and our changing coast
Year 9
All topics completed in year 9 are a prelude to the WJEC GCSE Geography Specification A
Term 1 = Resources and Development and Global inequalities
Term 2 = Tectonic Landscapes and Rivers and Flooding
Term 3 = Population and Environmental Challenges
Useful links for KS3:
https://www.bbc.com/bitesize/subjects/zrw76sgKS3 - Geography Topics
Landscapes and Physical Processes / Rural Urban links /Tectonic Landscapes and Hazards
Weather, Climate and Ecosystems / Development and Resource Issues / Environmental Challenges.
Non-Examination Assessment
Useful links for KS4:
Reading material:
A Short History of Nearly Everything - Bill Bryson
Brazil - Michael Palin
Can we Protect People from Natural Disasters - Earth Debates
Canoeing the Congo - Phil Harwood
Geography with the Wild Bits Left In - Horrible Geography
No One is too Small to Make a Difference - Greta Thunberg
Sahara - Michael Palin
Step By Step: The Life in My Journeys - Simon Reeve
The Volcano, Montserrat and Me: Twenty years with an active volcano - Lally Brown
There Is No Planet B: A Handbook for the Make or Break Years - Mike Berners-Lee
When the Rivers Run Dry: The Global Water Crisis and How to Solve It - Fred Pearce
This is Planet Earth: Your ultimate guide to the world we call home - New Scientist