Introduction to the subject:
Religious education in the twenty-first century consists of an open, objective and exploratory approach.
By studying Religious Education in YBA, pupils will learn how to understand people, religion and culture from a Christian perspective and other religious perspectives. It will also provide you with an in depth understanding of some major issues faced by Christians and other religions at different stages throughout their life. It is both interesting and thought provoking.
At Key Stage 3, religious education stimulates pupils to think for themselves in order to develop an understanding of life, the world, and search for meaning that inspires them to bring about transformation personally, socially and globally, thus building on the skills, knowledge and understanding acquired at Key Stage 2. Topics include: Is there an afterlife? Is Jesus still relevant in the modern world?
Useful links for KS3:
At KS4, This WJEC GCSE specification in religious studies provides opportunities for candidates to follow a course that is coherent and that balances knowledge of core beliefs, teachings and practices of both Christianity and Judaism, with an understanding of how they can be applied to philosophical and ethical themes.
The specification allows learners to develop learners’ knowledge and understanding of religions (Christianity and Judaism) and non-religious beliefs, such as atheism and humanism. It also provides learners with the opportunity to study Welsh perspectives, which arise naturally from the subject matter, enriching learners' understanding of the world around them.
Following this GCSE course will deepen understanding of religions and their effects on society. It will develop learners' competence in a wide range of skills and approaches and enable young people to become religiously informed and thoughtful, engaged citizens.
Assessment: Learners will study Unit 1: Religion and Philosophical Themes in Year 10, examination in May of Year 10. In Year 11, learners will study Religion and Ethical Themes, examination in May of Year 11. Each exam is worth 50% of a full GCSE.
Useful links for KS4:
Reading material:
My Revision Notes WJEC GCSE Religious Studies: Unit 1 Religion and Philosophical Themes
Joy White, Gavin Craigen, Hodder Education
My Revision Notes WJEC GCSE Religious Studies: Unit 2 Religion and Ethical Themes
Joy White, Gavin Craigen, Hooder Education