Introduction to the subject:
The subject content enables learners to apply their knowledge and understanding to different business contexts, including businesses ranging from small enterprises to large multinationals and businesses operating in local, national and global contexts. Learners will develop an understanding of how these contexts impact on business behaviour.
Learners are expected to be familiar with current issues in business and develop an understanding of the dynamics of business activity and consider data which relates to a business environment.
Learners are expected to use a range of mathematical skills and make justifiable decisions using both quantitative and qualitative methods applied in the context of GCSE Business. These quantitative skills will be assessed in both examination papers, totalling at least 10% of the overall marks available for the qualification.
The WJEC GCSE Business Studies specification aims to introduce learners to the business world. Learners will have the opportunity to develop a wide range of skills, enabling them to use business information critically, to develop arguments and to make justified decisions in relation to business context.
Topic areas:
- Business activity
- Influences on business
- Business operations
- Finance· Marketing
- Human resources
The subject content for GCSE Business will be assessed across two examination
Unit 1: Business World
Written examination: 2 hours
62.5% of qualification Total marks: 100
Unit 2: Business Perceptions
Written examination: 1 hour 30 minutes
37.5% of qualification Total marks: 60
Both units assess content from all six topic areas, so learners will be required to draw together knowledge, skills and understanding from across the subject content in each assessment.
Useful links for KS4:
Reading material:
My Revision Notes: WJEC and Eduquas GCSE Business by David Salter
ISBN: 9781510426535 – published 31.3.18
WJEC & Eduqas GCSE Business (A. Gillespie, M. Surridge)
ISBN: 9781510405295 – published 2017
Content notes: