Morning Break and Lunchtime Arrangements
All year groups have access to the canteen at break and lunchtimes to purchase refreshments / dinner. Payment arrangements are via ParentPay as cash is not be accepted in the canteen. If your child does not have enough money on their 'thumb' to pay for their break/lunch then unfortunately the canteen provider will be unable to allow them to have food. They will need to liaise with their Head of Year in the first instance and we will ensure that appropriate provision is put in place and that the school will provide toast/cereal in this circumstance as well as contacting home to inform parents/guardians of the situation.
Pupils can pre-order lunch at break time as well as purchase food such as bacon sandwiches, fruit and drinks (the menu will be rotated throughout the week.) All pupils can sit in the canteen to have their lunch if they purchase a hot meal. Any 'grab and go' food such as paninis or sandwiches are to be eaten in pupil social areas after they have been picked up from the canteen.
Welcome to ParentPay
Online Payments
We will be using Parent Pay to take payments for school meals, trips/visits and any other payments to school.
This will mean that payments to schools will be made on-line through ‘ParentPay’ or through the ‘PayPoint’ facilities located in your local shops and post offices.
Parents on the current Civica system should have received a letter from Wrexham School Meals explaining how to activate your new ParentPay account. If you need any assistance with setting up your account please contact the school’s meals service via schoolmeals@wrexham.gov.uk
This means that cash payments will no longer be accepted by the school. As a parent/guardian you will have the options to make payment for products, extra paid activities or trips supplied by the school and school meals via Parent pay at parentpay.com or using any PayPoint location. You can find PayPoint Locations here.
We will no longer be able to take cash onsite for school meals, so please ensure your child’s account is in credit before they attend school.
Please note – if you are unable to make payment using the ParentPay website you can still make payment at PayPoint shops where you will need to scan the bar code on your letter. You will need a separate barcode for each child and please allow up to 48 hours for your account to be credited via the PayPoint network.
- How to activate your account
- How to pay for items?
- How to top up your account and then pay for items
- How to view payment history
- How to add a child to your account or merge two accounts together
- How to update your username or password
- How to set up email and text alerts
- How to make a withdrawal from your account
- Parent Support FAQ