Most people understand bullying as behaviour by an individual or group, repeated over time, that is intended to hurt another individual or group either physically or emotionally. If your child is struggling with bullying, harassment, cyberbullying or anti-social behaviour issues, please help us help you by contacting your child's Head of Year. It is important that this behaviour is not tolerated and at YBA we support #stopbullying and #antibullyingweek
Please encourage your child to report any incidences of bullying behaviour (either as a witness or as a target), confidentially, via our Bully Button on the front page of this website. By clicking on the 'button' a report may be made via a google form which can then be acted on in school.
Pupils can also report any bullying behaviours anonymously via our Pastoral Hub postbox. Further details regarding our approach to bullying behaviours can be found in our Rights, Repect, Equality Policy.
Please contact the relevent Head of Year via the email addresses below if you require any support...
Head of Year 7 & 8 - Mrs Lisa Jones email - JonesL2124@hwbcymru.net
Head of Year 9 - Mr Cris Hughes email - HughesC16@hwbcymru.net
Head of Year 10 - Mr Will Beddoes email - BeddoesW@hwbcymru.net
Head of Year 11 - Mr Gareth Jones email - JonesG911@hwbcymru.net
All bullying, whatever the motivation or method is unacceptable and should not be tolerated.
Please take a look at the following links to help you support your son/daughter if they feel they have been a target of bullying.
Antibullying Alliance - information for parents
Bullies Out - advice for Parents and Carers
Respect Me - Bullying guide for Parents and Carers
Challenging Bullying (Hwb resource) - Rights, Respect, Equality - Parents and Carers