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Turing Trips during the 2023/24 academic year


Bursa, Turkey 12.01.2024 - 19.01.2024
Led by Mr. Jones and Mrs. Cooper, a group of our year 9 pupils travelled to Bursa in Turkey as part of the Turing Project.
What an amazing experience and one they will never forget visiting a country steeped in so much history.
We know that travel is a huge influence in shaping us as individuals. Our visits that have been funded by The Turing Scheme who have worked closely with YBA to arrange these once in a lifetime trips. Our pupils are having a fantastic insight into countries that they know but generally don’t visit places that are 'off the beaten' tourist trail. They are looking at aspects of climate change and its impact upon communities and individuals. They get to link up with pupils from our host schools and can gain a real insight into life in these places through visiting families of the students they are working with on the project.



Slupsk, Poland 10.03.2024 - 17.03.2024
Another Turing funded trip left for Poland in March, this time it was led by Mrs Hennessey and Mr Wheel. The group were really looking forward to visiting our partner school Szkoła Podstawowa im.Leopolda Staffa we Włynkówku.
Drama workshops focusing on the impact of Climate Change were delivered with YBA pupils and their Polish counterparts. It was a great way to break down language barriers and build positive relationships. It was a great way to break down language barriers and build positive relationships.
On the Tuesday our students worked with younger pupils creating spring weather board games! An excellent opportunity for the young Polish pupils to practice their English.
On the Wednesday the pupils started to prepare for their production on Friday with a focus on climate change. They have also had some time out playing basketball.
Polish Television also took an interest in the work we were doing and popped in on a couple of occasions to record some of the work for an item they were preparing about our project.
Well done for representing YBA so well and flying the flag for Wales!













Please find attached information about the first of our Erasmus+ programme. Over the next two years students will have the opportunity to visit our partnership schools and take part in creative workshops using innovative learning approaches to engage and motivate students in a range of different subjects. A very exciting opportunity for both teachers and students.


Erasmus3Erasmus 1













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