What is Bullying?
There is no legal definition of bullying, but it is usually defined as ‘the wilful, conscious desire to hurt, control, threaten or frighten someone. It is when someone or several people, repeatedly over a period of time, do or say unpleasant things to another person or group of people, or keep teasing them in an unwanted way. A sense of powerlessness can make it difficult for the bullied to defend his/her self’.
It is important to note that bullying is deliberate and repeated. A one-off incident cannot be described as bullying.
Please remember that you can report an incident of bullying, in confidence, to your Head of Year (use the email addresses below). Bullying is NOT tolerated in YBA. Please ensure that you support yourself and others by ensuring you inform our pastoral staff.
At the bottom of the page are some links that you may find helpful to support you in your situation BUT remember REPORT BULLYING behaviours!. No one should be unkind to another person
#kindnessmatters #bulliesout #stopbullying #teamyba
Head of Year 7 and Year 8 - Mrs Lisa Jones
Head of Year 9 - Mr Will Beddoes
Head of Year 10 - Mr Gareth Jones
Head of Year 11 - Mr Cris Hughes
Helpful Links
Anti bullying Alliance - help for parents/carers (November 2022)
Reach Out - Anti Bullying Week 2022
Bullies Out - information for young people
Advice if you are being bullied
Children's Commissioner for Wales - Tackling Bullying
Welsh Government - Advice for Children
Hwb Resources for Young People - Rights, Respect and Equality