Our Year 11 Steps-to-Success programme supports students in becoming effective and successful students and leave school with the best possible outcomes, skills, knowledge and confidence to move onto the next stage of their learning journey.
We want to provide you with clarity and guidance on how Ysgol Bryn Alyn is supporting students in their final year in school in readiness for their mock exams and summer GCSE exams.
The content below will be updated on a regular basis as to what is happening in school each week. You will be informed as to when new content is added by our usual communication channels.
English Revision
Every Wednesday there will be English Revision after school from 3pm - 4pm.
Set 1 will have revision with Miss Bourhill
Set 2, 3 & 4 with have revision with either Mr Roberts, Miss King or Mrs Godwin.
Please see below timetable for schedule.
Maths Revision
Every Monday after school there will be revision taking place for year 11 with their Maths teacher from 3pm - 4pm.
Science Revision
Every Tuesday from 3pm - 4pm
Pre-Exam Classes and other subject revision sessions
Watch out for Updates
Revision Room
From 1.25 - 1.55pm everyday, room 15 is available for revision with access to resources and an experienced member of staff.
GCSE Exams Summer 2025 - Full Timetable of all Exams Scheduled by the Exam Boards
GCSE Exams Summer 2025
Breakfast for Year11 during the Mock Exams and Summer GCSE Exam
To ensure that students are ready to go and perform at their best, we offer a free breakfast every morning in the school canteen from 8am - 8.30am.
Year 11 Parents' Evening:
Thursday 16th January 2025: Getting Ready for GCSE Summer Exams
Rewards and Incentives
Students who have 100 positive points will be invited to the Summer Prom on Thursday 3rd July. From December students will be issued with their Prom Passport. Students will need to gain reward stamps to gain access to the prom. Stamps are awarded for good attendance to school, good B4L scores and for attending revision sessions.
Revision Planner for GCSE Summer Exams 2025
Download a copy of the Revision Planner here
Ysgol Bryn Alyn Revision Cycle
Our Revision Cycle is a proven structure on how students revise effectively. This sits at the heart of preparing students for their February Mocks. please view the illustration to find out more.
Health and Well-being
In the run up to your child’s Summer GCSE Exam series, it’s important that not only their academic needs are being supported, but also their health and well-being.
We know that young people often regard good, long regular sleep and eating properly as a secondary consideration to wanting to socialise and interact with their friends or spend time online. Teenagers can get into bad habits with regards to being online too long, not eating nutritious meals regularly and not finding the right balance between sleep and work.
The next two weeks, leading up to their first exam and the five weeks which their exams cover, should be a time where they are looking after themselves a lot more to remain focused, refreshed and alert through what is a challenging and exhausting time.
Therefore, we have put together this guide, based on sound scientific research, to help you and your child navigate their way through the next few weeks and perform at their best, every day.
There are 3 main areas which everyone can reflect on and make positive changes to their habits; SLEEP, SCREEN TIME and STUDY FUEL.
How to Revise Effectively to Know and Remember More
To go alongside our Revision Cycle, we are delivering sessions in Registration Time to all Year 11 students. Teaching them about the six best habits to use in becoming highly successful learners.
1. Spaced Practice - CLICK
2. Interleaving Topics - CLICK
3. Elaboration - CLICK
4. Concrete Examples - CLICK
5. Duel Coding - CLICK
6. Retrieval Practice - CLICK